Wonderfolk x Raul Urias

Adults gathered around a table in a workshop, drawing on paper with pencils and markers, interacting and smiling.

After the opening of our exhibition, “Infinite Human,” we had the privilege of hosting an art workshop led by the internationally acclaimed artist, Raul Urias, for a group of students from the organization Wonderfolk.

During the workshop, students delved into the intricacies of drawing, learning not only the technical process but also the invaluable lessons of resilience and growth through embracing mistakes. Raul Urias generously shared his own artistic journey, recounting how he transitioned from aspiring comic book illustrator to establishing a thriving career in the arts, collaborating with numerous renowned brands and projects along the way.

A diverse group of individuals sitting at a conference table attentively listening to a presenter at a laptop with the phrase "Fake it 'til you make it" on screen.
Man working on a laptop with digital artwork displayed on the screen, surrounded by attentive students seated around a long white table in a classroom.
A diverse group of students in a classroom, interacting with their teacher who is reviewing a student's artwork.
A teacher showing a drawing to a diverse group of students during a classroom session.
A diverse group of students sitting at a table, engaged in drawing, with an adult male overseeing their work in an art classroom.
Two people sketching cartoon characters on white paper at a desk, with various drawings and pencils visible.